September 22th 2017 – Re.Ma.Plast and C.A.I.S. with LEGAMBIENTE
“Let’s clean the world” returns, the Legambiente initiative on September 22nd stopped in Sarno, in the industrial area. The initiative, organized as every year by Legambiente with the aim of cleaning up historic centers, streets, squares, stations and parks, has also joined this year the Re.Ma.Plast and the Sarno Industrial Area Consortium (CAIS), which together to the Administration led by the mayor Giuseppe Canfora, to the Sarim, to the schools and to the volunteers of the Civil Protection “I Sarrasti”, has organized for Friday, September 22, 2017, from 9.30 to 13.00, a day of cleaning the industrial area of Via Ingegno. Armed with a bag and gloves, the volunteers have cleaned all the spaces rendered inhospitable by their incivility, negligence and rudeness, who return to life thanks to work and collective effort.
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