Specialized technical personnel and innovative machinery!
The company has 13 extrusion lines, including 4 multi-layer coexes for “barrier effect” films. Great attention is paid to the choice of granule and additive suppliers whose excellent quality becomes a guarantee of excellence of the final product. The raw materials are “mixed” to the additives by means of gravimetric dosers and the film produced is constantly detected by a thickness control to guarantee a perfect film in weight, thickness and planarity. All systems are powered by raw materials and additives stored in silos fed in turn by an automatic emptying system. All systems are equipped with devices for printing in one color to allow continuous marking of brands or small customizations.
The printing and personalization department is made up of flexographic printing machines with ceramic cylinders and squeegees capable of printing up to 8 colors, on a width of mm. 1200 both in the tract and in four-color process with latest-generation digital supports. A dedicated software for the preparation of the inks allows to obtain a final color of the desired shade.
The cutting and welding department consists of 3 high-speed automatic welding machines of the latest generation, for the production of Shoppers and Open Mouth bags. The machine park is completed by a line for large sizes and bags for pallet covers. Each machine is managed by a PC controlled by a touch screen operator panel and has the ability to be connected to the network both for remote assistance and for the new industry 4.0.
The packaging takes place in boxes on pallets and automatically wrapped in stretch film by a special packing machine.